Shiroichiko Mizuhonyaki
MizuHonyaki, made with the best specifications for knives, has been created.
*This is a custom-made item for the customer.
As for what’s best…
No mirror surface, no inscription on the front. This is the specification.
The reverse side bears a stamp, applied by the blacksmith before quenching.
This stamp is the sole mark of authenticity, signifying the maker and manufacturer.
A mirror finish not only enhances the knife’s appearance but also helps prevent rust.
Without a mirror finish, you can avoid the heat and softening of the Shinogi line that sometimes occur during the polishing process.
Removing the engraving on the front side helps eliminate subtle distortions in the blade.
While these distortions don’t affect cutting performance, they do impact the definition of the Shinogi line.
If the goal is to maintain the pure, untouched state crafted by the blacksmith, this is the configuration you’d choose.
Next week, it’s time for Honbaduke!
With its Honkasumi+ foundation, the cutting edge practically sharpens itself automatically. (^^)b
When I apply a natural whetstone, I expect beautiful ripples to appear near the Shinogi line.
Now, the big question—should I finally use the new Suita I’ve been saving, or perhaps try the Yoka Mountain stone? Decisions, decisions!
- 2016-04-22