Mr. Doi is here!

When I was filming the usuba for the feature, Mr. Keijiro Doi came to deliver the 300mm SUISIN Hayate knife base. After finishing his blacksmithing work, he exclaimed, “It’s hot!” but he seemed very energetic. Keijiro said, “Come to think of it, did you find the kitchen knife with scratches?” His words brought back memories from a month ago. There was a Hayate knife with scratches (known as “aike,” which are blade cracks), and when I consulted with him, he said, “I’ll remake it, so bring it back!” I mentioned it and then forgot about it… I apologize, Mr. Doi (><). He said, “I can’t help but worry about the scratches on the kitchen knife, so please find it soon!” and left. I was impressed by Mr. Doi’s pride and responsibility in his work. Returning the knife would mean a loss for Mr. Doi. Clearly, it would be better for his business not to return it. The small “aike” that appears on the back of the knife is still usable. Furthermore, no one had mentioned anything about it before. Because knives are tools for cooking, many craftsmen do not accept returns. But he is trying to go beyond the boundaries of business and create something exceptional. Moreover, what can I say about the spirit of exchanging scratches and “aikes” that have occurred… I have great respect for Mr. Doi, who always works to the utmost on a daily basis.
hibishugyo 2007-08-29